Saturday, January 27, 2007

Knitting's power to confound

The combined effect of me working my butt off to meet my deadlines and the yuck weather was that I got ill (with a bit of help from the boyfriend, who handily passed on some nice cold germs). I didn't feel like doing much of anything most of this week and haven't left the house to do more than go to the pharmacy downstairs.

Knitting has been happening, but only at a background level - still it is a level that permits me having a couple of finished objects to show off soon I believe. Last night, though, I was feeling a bit more human but wanting something to do to avoid having to play cards with the boyfriend and his buddy...

So taking my cue from said buddy, who was bemoaning his lack of seasonal headgear, I whipped out the needles and took up the hat challenge.

Within the length of this

(incidentally a most fabulous film, available, among other place, here), I managed to churn out a Hot Head Hat from Stitch 'n Bitch.

The buddy, I believe, was suitably impressed. I used some black random chunky yarn left over from previous Hot Head Hat attempts (I've made two before for the boyfriend, one which he lost and the second as a replacement) and 6mm needles as I couldn't find a pair of the prescribed 6.5mm. I knit the large size and tried to knit quite loosely as I was concerned, given the smaller needles, that the thing wouldn't fit buddy's fairly large head after all the effort. But (phew!) the thing actually did fit and there were smiles all round.

Such is the greatness of knitting!

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